Tag Archives: transitions

10 Ways to Prepare Your Child for Independent Life After High School | SKILL #7

It’s June already and the issue of transition to independent adult life is bearing down upon us. So we continue our focus on transitions with our seventh installment of ways to prepare your child for life after high school.
Personal safety is an indispensable skill no matter what your teen plans to do after graduation. Some of these steps require advance planning—be sure to take the time needed to help make your teen safe. Preparation now will pay off in the long run.
SKILL #7 – Teach your child about personal safety.
  • Boundaries We should all have boundaries on our personal space—we decide what to do with our time, money, actions and emotions.

Likewise, we must respect the personal space of others, ask permission before using property that isn’t ours, always knock on a closed door before entering and ask permission before touching someone else. I’m sure you can think of many more. It’s important to teach our kids to advocate for themselves. Please don’t take that; I’m using it right now, or Please move over; you’re sitting too close to me.

  • Uninvited Strangers Stay Outside Your kids should know that they are not obligated to allow people to intrude when they have not invited them. If your door
    has a peephole, use it—even if you are expecting someone.   Image
It is also good to know your immediate neighbors just in case of emergencies. Knowing who lives across from you and on each side could help in an emergency. And if you notice suspicious activity in the neighborhood, call the police. Observant neighbors help keep communities safe.
  • Stay Alert When Walking, Biking, Driving  Know what to do in case of a car accident. Print this Accident report form and keep a copy in the glove box of your car.
  • Emergency Exit  Know how to exit home/apartment in case of an emergency [fire, earthquake, explosion, etc.] using an escape plan you’ve prepared in advance.
  • Lock Windows and Doors at Night/When Away
  • Basic First Aid Skills  Finally, teach your teen to handle minor crises with a basic first aid kit—always keep one in your home and car. Build one together. Basic Components of a First Aid Kit. Also, know when to get assistance—by calling a neighbor or 911.    Image

ImageIt’s a good practice to carry a whistle and a flashlight on your key chain. You never know when you might need one of them. The ability to rely on yourself to stay safe is just another step toward living independently—and successfully.  Image

If you’ve missed any of my earlier messages you can find them on my blog by clicking hereFollow me!

For more ideas, contact me today at Debora@autismresourcemom.com. Be sure to like ARM on Facebook. 


ARM will be at Transition Night 2013 in Anaheim — March 21!

Stop by ARM’s vendor table tomorrow evening, March 21, from 6 to 8:30pm, at Transition Night 2013The Opportunities Are Endless.

North Orange County Community College District Anaheim Campus, 1830 W. Romneya Dr., Anaheim.Image 

This annual event is presented by North Orange County Community College District, School of Continuing Education and Disabled Student Programs & Services.

Teach Your Child Proper Phone Skills

We continue our focus on transitions with this second installment of ways to prepare your child for life after high school.


Granted, kids these days communicate mainly through texting, Facebook or Instant Messaging, but they still need to know how to start and end a phone call.

SKILL #2:   Teach your child proper use of the phone.
For example:
  • Initiating the call
    • Say your name and who you are calling for. “This is Joe Smith and I’m calling for Bill.”
    • Explain why you’re calling. “Hey Bill, it’s Joe from Spanish class. I have a question about the homework—do you have a second to talk?”
  • Ending the call
    • Explain why you have to hang up. “Thanks man, now I get it. Gotta finish my homework.”
    • Say you enjoyed talking to the person and you’ll talk to him/her later.
    • Say good-bye. “Later, dude.”
  • Leaving a Voice-Mail Message
    • Don’t assume you’re being recognized—say your name—and who you’re calling for. “This is Mike Jones calling for Tony.”
    • Explain the reason for the call. “Tony, just wanted to see if you’re up for a 
      movie on Saturday. Gimme a call.”
    • Say the day and time of your call. “I’m calling on Thursday around 4pm.”
    • Slowly, give your phone number.  “You can reach me on my cell — 123-4567.”
    • Say good-bye. “Hope you’re available on Saturday. Later, man.”
  • Know how/when to call 911—and when not to.
  • Know how to call for a cab/shuttle and to order take-out.
  • Know how to retrieve messages on your phone.
Mastery of telephone skills is an important step toward independence. Good luck!




As the mother of a son with autism, I’ve committed myself over the years to learning, understanding and sharing the most
effective ways to nurture, protect and prepare a child with autism. Strategies with the potential to reap great rewards for our kids.
Strategies for transitions and more, which I’ll gladly share with you.
And right now I’m offering speaking engagements to parent groups, educators, autism support groups, government agencies
and community organizations. 
Reserve your booking by calling 714-501-8735. The talk is free. The information is priceless.